


minor, victim, criminal offense, determination, structure, signs, subject of the offense.


The article examines the peculiarities of the structure of a minor victim of a criminal offense. It is indicated that the personality structure of a minor victim of a criminal offense should be understood as a set of objective and subjective factors and factors that affect the index of the probability of a teenager falling into a criminally illegal situation, which is caused by the presence of enabling conditions. It is noted that any victim is a hostage of his own behavior and ability to react to non-standard situations. The determination of victim behavior does not depend on the severity of the criminal offense, it is primarily related to the degree of the actual role of the victim in the mechanism of criminal illegal behavior and its interaction with the subject of the offense. It is summarized that the structure of the personality of a minor victim of a criminal offense should include: 1) demographic characteristics - human characteristics that characterize him as a biological, intelligent being endowed with certain elementary role functions (gender, age, family status, etc.); 2) social and domestic – human characteristics acquired as a result of growing up, which determine the quality of upbringing in the family, educational institutions, etc. Social and household characteristics determine the general idea of a minor about basic things; 3) civic-role – features of a person that shape him as a citizen of the country (observance of constitutional duties); 4) moral and value – a minor's idea of spirituality, self-reflection, understanding of the highest value of human existence and all related matters; 5) psychological and medical - features that are caused by deviations in the child's health, which contributes to victimization; 6) criminological - interaction with a criminal offender and all related objective and subjective factors of victimization. The proposed structure determines the appropriate typology of minor victims of criminal offenses.


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