


territorial community, decentralisation, local self-government, models of municipal power, organization of local self-government, municipal reform


The article examines the issue of formation of the Ukrainian local self-government system model based on the experience of the best world practices. The institutional and system-structural organization of local self-government in foreign countries was considered. It was established that the process of formation of the model of the territorial organization of power of different countries depended on its historical, socio-political and socioeconomic development, geographical location. The foreign experience of implementing modern reforms of power decentralization in world models of the system of municipal power was analysed. Particular attention was paid to certain aspects of the development and reform of municipal government in France and Poland. Conclusions were made regarding the possibility of using the positive experience of foreign countries in the formation of a national model of the local self-government system in Ukraine. It has been established that the existing model of systematic and structural organization of municipal government cannot fully satisfy the needs and interests of Ukrainian society. It was determined that during the reform of decentralization of power, it is necessary to introduce the institute of the prefect in our state by reorganizing local administrations into prefect-type bodies. In addition, it is important to take into account the experience of forming and implementing personnel policy in the municipal authorities of foreign countries, in particular, regarding the methods of entering the service in the municipal authorities. It was noted that the Ukrainian model should meet modern democratic criteria, as well as ensure the rights and freedoms of citizens, especially, provide high-quality and efficient administrative services. The authors substantiates the need to complete the administrative-territorial reform in the post-war period, introducing a full-fledged system of regional and district self-government, and, in addition, to clearly distinguish powers between different levels of public authority, in particular, to carefully review the list of delegated powers, taking into account the experience of the countries of the European space.


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