pre-trial investigation, covert investigative (search) actions, self-serving violent criminal offenses, crimes, countermeasures, prevention, law enforcement agencies, self-interested purpose, operational and investigative activityAbstract
The article analyzes modern problems that arise during the pre-trial investigation of violent and selfish criminal offenses. A number of problems of a scientific and applied nature are singled out, which lead to the intensification of criminogenic threats in terms of self-interested and violent criminal offenses, in particular: a number of problems of a scientific and applied nature, in particular: the absence of standardized approaches to the definition of typical positive and negative investigative situations that may arise in the process of uncovering violent and property-related criminal offenses; lack of stable approaches to the differentiation of investigative tasks according to the stage of the pre-trial investigation (especially this applies to the preparatory stage of the pre-trial investigation); inadequate technical and forensic support for the investigation of such criminal offenses, as well as the lack of established interaction between pre-trial investigation bodies and forensic expert institutions, which leads to shortcomings that arise both at the stage of the appointment of the examination and during its conduct; the emergence of new forms and methods of countering the pre-trial investigation of violent and property-oriented criminal offenses requires the search for modern methods of averting such countermeasures. The special importance of the appropriate level of interaction between law enforcement agencies during the pre-trial investigation of such criminal offenses was noted. It has been established that one of the negative factors that negatively affect the work of law enforcement agencies is the increase in the number of cases of opposition to the investigation of self-interested and violent socially dangerous acts, and its typical methods are highlighted. It is concluded that violent and property crime is the only criminally illegal phenomenon that compiles the motive, purpose and way of realizing the intention into one undifferentiated socially dangerous act in several stages. In this context, the only, main and mandatory feature of a violent property criminal offense to be taken into account during qualification is the presence of a selfish goal, which is realized (achieved) by a violent means, which is embodied in a prohibited (illegal) activity.
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