maritime activity, port activity, public administration, control, supervision, eco-inspection, environmental control, marine environment, environmental safetyAbstract
Significant risks of pollution and clogging of marine area of waters lead to the adoption of legal and organizational measures to increase the efficiency of control the emissions from ships. Reforming the system of public administration of maritime environmental protection covers various areas, including a special attention is paid to the sphere of control activity in seaports. The article identifies the changes in the institutional system and legal regulation of control and supervisory functions in the sphere of maritime environmental protection. Attention is paid to the well-known decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the liquidation of two marine ecological inspections due to significant corruption violations. This decision was the next stage of reforming the public administration of the environmental industry of Ukraine. As a result of its implementation, the functions were redistributed of the territorial bodies of the State Environmental Inspectorate of Ukraine. The formation of a new system of public administration of all control activities in seaports was started, one of the most important functions such as ecological of the modern state was ensured. However, it must still be updated in accordance with the ecological imperative, aimed at comprehensive compliance with the environmental standards and taking into account climate change, other natural and anthropogenic factors, military, migration and other challenges and threats. The characteristics has been showed of the program documents for the development of the maritime industry of Ukraine that in the Maritime Doctrine, the Strategy of the Development of Seaports and the National Transport Strategy, the direction of the ecological control activity is defined in general features and is associated with the ecologization of all anthropogenic activities related to the use of marine area of waters and port activities. It received more concrete regulation in the Maritime Environmental Strategy. It has been noted that the special Law of Ukraine «On State Ecological Control» can «remove» the problems associated with the updating the concept of state ecological control in seaports.
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