


police, service training, organisation, planning, forms of service training


The article analyses the process of organisation of police service training. It is concluded that the current process of organising police service training in Ukraine requires partial reformatting by optimising it, improving its organisation and adapting to new challenges. Among the main problematic issues in the organisation of inservice training, the authors emphasise the following: insufficient effectiveness of traditional forms of training, lack of systematic assessment of the quality of training, limited resources, both material and human, and the need for further integration with international standards. The author suggests expanding the range of forms of the educational process by introducing additional classes and certificate programmes, which are an effective tool for advanced training and specialisation of police officers in various areas of police activity. The author concludes that it is expedient for the personnel unit of the central police authority to create a Catalogue of Tutors, in the form of a systematic list of professionals who can and are ready to be involved in the process of organising in-service training by territorial units, as well as a Catalogue of additional training bases, which may include specially equipped facilities and training platforms available from partners. The author identifies the principles which should be followed when forming a thematic training plan, which include the following: efficiency, expediency, proportionality, manoeuvrability, and scientificity. The author emphasises the need to assess the level of police officers' satisfaction with the organisation of service training and to receive feedback from those who have undergone training, which, in the author's opinion, will be one of the effective measures aimed at improving its organisation and increasing the effectiveness of its activities. The author proposes to introduce a number of amendments to the provisions of the Regulation on the Organisation of Service Training of Employees of the National Police of Ukraine, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine No. 50 dated 26 January 2016.


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