civil aviation, commercial aviation industry, international legal regulation, unified transportation system of Ukraine, air law, air transport, legal regime of international air transportationAbstract
This article examines the international legal aspect of regulation of the civil aviation industry in Ukraine at the current stage. The author examines and clarifies the system of sources of regulatory regulation of the industry (national and international legal norms in the form of relevant acts), and also studies the peculiarities of legal relations in it. In particular, it is noted that legal relations in the field of civil aviation are a specific type of social relations between industry participants arising in connection with the implementation of air transportation activities (primarily, passenger and cargo transportation by air). This type of relationship is governed by the rules of air law and includes the rights and obligations of participants and defines the conditions of safety, ownership, liability and other aspects related to the operation of aircraft and the use of airspace. It is found that the current regulatory framework in the field of civil aviation of Ukraine currently includes more than seventy legislative and by-laws acts, of which more than thirty are acts of international legal nature (conventions, management regulations, resolutions, etc.). The author also emphasizes the key role of international organizations in the field of civil aviation (ICAO, IATA, ACI, CANSO, ICCAIA, ATAG, EASA, ECAC, EUROCONTROL and others) in the establishment and active development of international air law and regulatory support of international and national aviation practice. As a result of the study, the author concludes that harmonization and convergence of national and international civil aviation legislation is taking place primarily in the following areas: common European civil aviation rules, air safety, uniform safety and operational standards, aviation safety and high environmental requirements. Also, in the future, it seems promising to study the specific impact of the ratified international legal norms on the state of legal support of the civil aviation industry of Ukraine from various theoretical and legal angles (economic law, civil law, administrative law, etc.). Such research is still lacking in the domestic scientific field.
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