


cruelty, animals, bullying, harassment, detention, criminology, protection, protection, prevention


The exploitation of animals and the use of their useful properties for utilitarian motives have always occupied a leading place in the public consciousness, along with a natural sense of mercy. In fact, the attitude of people to animals has gone through a long path of evolution, which can be conventionally divided into several stages: the privileged position of animals, the equality of people and animals, the exploitation of animals, as well as the modern recognition of individual rights of animals and the removal of responsibility from them. The article analyzes the problem of harsh treatment of animals as an object of criminological research. The author states that the protection of animals from cruelty in the modern world goes beyond simple considerations about the protection of social morality or the environment. Cruelty to animals forms in criminals indifference to the suffering of living beings, contributes to the reproduction of criminal activity and exacerbates the spiritual crisis. Prevention of cruel treatment of animals in modern conditions is an important aspect of social and political life in all economically developed countries. Cruelty to animals has been found to include abuse of animals, particularly homeless animals, which results in their suffering, physical pain, suffering, and may cause bodily harm, maiming or death. This also includes animals harassing each other and other animals for hooligan or selfish motives, leaving animals to fend for themselves, as well as other violations of the rules of keeping, handling and transporting animals. In modern Ukraine, animal protection organizations are gaining popularity, actively participating in the formation and implementation of public initiatives to protect animals from cruelty and environmental protection, as well as contribute to the humane regulation of the number of homeless animals. It is emphasized that the outdated and contradictory system of normative and legal regulation of keeping and handling animals requires the development of a complex of scientifically based and effective criminological measures to prevent animal cruelty.


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