age discrimination, prevention of discrimination, direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, labor market, labor relations, age restrictionsAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of problematic aspects related to discrimination in the sphere of labor relations and requiring new approaches to their solution. The analysis of the norms of international and national legislation in the context of the identified research issues is carried out. The organizational and legal principles of preventing and combating age discrimination are outlined in order to ensure equal opportunities for everyone to exercise the right to work. The author identifies certain forms which characterize ageism in modern society both for young professionals when looking for a job and for experienced professionals, such as: prejudice towards a person of a certain age; stereotypical ideas about the professionalism and productivity of persons of a certain age; limited perception of young people in various state institutions, etc. It is proved that ageism in labor relations can manifest itself in various forms, taking into account the gender aspect. Gender mainstreaming at all levels and a comprehensive approach to overcoming discrimination in the workplace are important tasks today, both internationally and nationally. This phenomenon is one of the negative social factors that employees encounter when seeking employment, which depends on the social and economic aspects of the development of the labor market in the country. Age bias should not discriminate against an employee, since age should focus attention on work experience in a particular field. Special attention is paid to the slash-career concept, which is aimed at ensuring that a specialist successfully combines several professions or types of activity, taking into account his education and professional skills, which will allow him to constantly deepen his theoretical and practical experience and avoid difficulties in finding a new job in the event of dismissal from his main job and quickly adapt to changes in the professional field without any discriminatory harassment. In particular, attention is focused on individual issues of age discrimination for certain categories of employees, and the practice of the ECHR regarding the establishment of age limits for holding a position is analyzed. Based on the results of the study, conclusions and proposals were formulated to strengthen tripartite cooperation and develop, with the support of the Government, targeted programs to encourage employers to employ youth and older people and regional employment programs taking into account supply and demand for the period of martial law, which will contribute to the economic recovery of the state.
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