Requirements for execution

A manuscript has to be submitted as a MS Word document (Times New Roman 14, line spacing – 1,5).

Margins: upper – 2 cm, bottom – 2 cm, left – 3 cm. right – 1.5 cm. Pages are not numerated.

Text structure is as follows:

1. UDC.

2. Thematic section of the journal.

3. Full name of the author (-s).

4. Scientific degree, academic rank, affiliation.

5. ORCID (obligatory).

6. A title (in capitals).

7. Abstract and key words in Ukrainian and English with the translation of a title and transliteration of surname and name with a volume of a minimum of 1800 characters.

8. Text. The research article has to involve such structural elements as followings:


Goal and tasks.

Research methods.

Research results. 

Conclusions should not involve an information, which is absent in the article main text.

9. The list of cited literature is ordered according to citation within the text. The word “LITERATURE” is bold. When drawing up the list, you should comply with the requirements of the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302: 2015 “Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General provisions and rules of composition”.

10. References are executed according to APA (American Psychological Association)

Online transliteration of Ukrainian-language sources is carried out in accordance with

The translation of the most significant fragments of the bibliographic description into English is given in square brackets in each transliterated source (title of the material, title of the periodical, legal source, etc.). At the end of the bibliographic description of each source, the language is indicated in square brackets – [in Ukrainian].

if the described publication has a DOI (the DOI system is an international ISO standard), this identifier must be indicated in the References (at the end), since it is the most accurate source of information about the article, and the “link-publication” connection is followed by it.

Reference is made in square brackets indicating the source number and specific pages, for example [1, p. 25–26], and the names of the sources are given at the end of the article in the order of mention in the text (Part “References”).

Tables and graphics are numbered consecutively using Arabic figures. Notes to a table are textual. The graphics are named below. Names of the tables and graphics are aligned center. Figures and photographs (b&w, greyscale) are “installed” in the main text of an article and sent additionally as individual files in one of the following formats: TIFF, PCX, JPG, BMP, CDR.
