


typology, procedural law, model of legal proceedings, concept of legal systems, European type of legal proceedings


The subject matter of the study is the nature and content of various types of modern procedural law as models of regulation of relations in the field of legal proceedings, and their functioning leads to the reproduction of the relevant legal relations. The purpose of the article is to analyze the main typological characteristics of the procedural law which is functioning in the world and to substantiate the existence of such a new type of procedural law as the European type. The author determines that the type of judicial process characterizes the commonality of legislation and specific procedural institutions of different legal systems, which allows distinguishing them from each other, differentiating them or combining them into certain groups. The author classifies the types of procedural law according to the following criteria: (1) according to the concept of legal families; (2) correlation with economic systems; (3) according to historical development; (4) division into investigative and adversarial processes; (5) according to the legal mechanisms which ensure the achievement of order in specific situations of legal significance; (6) depending on the status of an individual in the trial (socio-cultural criterion). The author substantiates that the ‘European type of procedural law’ is a format of legal life of the judicial system and procedure which embodies the ideological aspect (a set of requirements and standards of legal policy of a society which corresponds to the ideological canons of this society in the field of law) and the formal (real, protocol) aspect (a set of actions of the subjects of procedural and legal relations in the course of administration of justice). In terms of its content, the European type of procedural law is a unified, mixed type of procedural law which takes into account the national and historical legal traditions of European States and, while retaining the advantages of the continental type of judicial law, incorporates, as a result of convergence processes, the latest rules and norms which have always been inherent in the Anglo-American (common) law.


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