


investigation method, criminal offenses against the environment, forensic examination, expert, environmental examination


The article is devoted to the study of the concept of forensic examinations, the reasons for their appointment and their importance in proving. The grounds for conducting forensic examinations in the course of a pre-trial investigation and the procedure for involving an expert in criminal proceedings are regulated by criminal procedural legislation. Based on the results of the study of scientific research and forensic practice, it was established that during the investigation of criminal offenses against the environment, it is appropriate to appoint and conduct the following forensic examinations: ecological, chemical, veterinary, technical, engineering-ecological, biological, soil science, forensic, medical. Attention is focused on the fact that the investigation of criminal offenses against the environment requires the appointment and conduct of forensic examinations, which are aimed at clarifying the circumstances of the commission of illegal actions, namely: the method and mechanism of causing damage to the surrounding natural environment; facts of violation of legislation on environmental protection; causes and factors that contributed to environmental pollution; compliance by subjects of economic activity with environmental safety of production; facts of the negative anthropological impact of subjects of economic activity on the surrounding natural environment; violation of environmental protection norms during the performance of certain works; cause-and-effect relationships between the actions of business entities and the occurrence of negative consequences for the environment; nature of emissions and hazardous substances released into the air; reasons for the high content of hazardous substances in the surrounding natural environment (air, soil, water bodies); the presence or absence of pathogens in certain samples; causes of poisoning or death of people, animals; determination of environmental consequences and nature of damage, amount of damages; localization and degree of environmental pollution, etc. The objects of research and issues that are resolved during the conduct of ecological, chemical, veterinary, technical, engineering-ecological, biological, soil science, and medical forensic examinations are considered. Approximate lists of issues to be resolved during forensic examinations have been provided.


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