


state regulation, social protection of the population, system of social protection of the population.


This article is devoted to state regulation of the system of social protection of the population. During the transition of the economy to market conditions, the problem of assessing the effectiveness of the functioning of the social sphere at the level of public administration of the national economy is especially relevant. It should be noted that the foreign experience of the developed countries of the world convincingly indicates that it is precisely a clear strategy for managing the social sphere and social processes that ensures the solution of economic and social problems of the development of society, high living standards and equal access of citizens to public goods and services. There is a construction of such a socio-economic model that would be capable of innovative self-development and ensuring high-quality growth. The search continues for effective levers for regulating social inequality, citizens' access to such public goods as education, health care, culture, and personal security. Practice has proven that the system of social protection should include such elements as: legal, economic and social security; financial, information-intellectual and natural resources; budgetary and extrabudgetary mechanisms; national, public and international institutions. In this regard, the main role should belong to the supervision of social security. To address the issues of social protection of the population, it is necessary to use socio-economic indicators of the standard of living (low income, subsistence level, minimum consumption budget, minimum wage and human development index). Despite positive reforms in the field of social protection in Ukraine, the need for fundamental changes in the system of social services remains unsatisfactory. This is due to the inconsistency of social services with the new demands and needs of society. State regulation of the system of social protection of the population requires further reform and improvement. However, a lot of work has been done in this direction, namely, the legal foundations for the activity of the system of social services have been created, but the analysis of regulatory legal acts on this issue proves that these legal acts are not effective enough in action today.


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