



types of criminal offenses, domestic crime, crimes against the family and minors in foreign criminal law, criminal protection, violence, minor, protection of children and parents, victim, family object, family criminology, family crime, family, Criminal Code of Ukraine


The article examines criminal offenses in the family and household sphere, their distribution into types. Within the framework of the study, the classification of these offenses was considered according to various criteria: by object; by subject; by the form of guilt; by consequences; according to social and motivational characteristics; depending on the conflict situation; on the basis of violence; by the form of violence; depending on the victim, etc. Criminal offenses in the family and household sphere have different generic objects and are placed in different sections of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. They do not form a single integrated system, which significantly reduces the possibilities of criminal law to implement effective criminal law protection in the specified area. The analysis of modern trends in the social development of our country allows us to predict the further expansion of the criminal law protection of the family and household sphere. Foreign criminal legislation on the protection of life and health of children and families was considered, and the prospects of borrowing foreign experience in Ukraine were determined. The articles of the foreign Criminal Code can be conventionally divided into three groups: norms aimed at the criminal legal protection of the institution of marriage; norms aimed at the criminal law protection of the institution of adoption and related relations; norms dedicated to the criminal law protection of the main areas of family functioning. Given the fact that criminal offenses in the family and household sphere are not allocated to a separate section of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, it is considered necessary to carry out their identification, systematization and justify their unification within the framework of one section with further definition places of the corresponding section in the system of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.


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