


victimization and victimization of children; family upbringing; emotional and psychological status; symbiosis; social and psychological deprivation.


The article highlights some issues of the causes and conditions of child victimization and victimization, in particular, the influence of family upbringing of children, violations of the emotional and psychological status of parents on the formation of children's personality. Motives that can prompt one of the family members to push him to develop a system of pathological roles in the family, which leads to the victimization of children, are indicated. The dependence of the formation of victimhood and victimization of children due to such violations of intra-family relations as symbiosis and deprivation was analyzed. The influence of social and psychological deprivation in family upbringing on the formation of a child is revealed, as well as measures to prevent victims of family violence with the help of complex socio-legal support and social work with families. Conclusion. Thus, all the forms, methods and techniques of the work of specialists in the prevention of mental domestic violence are built in such a way as to give the victim of violence the opportunity to understand that no one is trying to minimize the importance of his difficulties and problems, but it is in them that these difficulties and problems can and should be sought and find means to improve their situation. In this way, the examinee is encouraged to search for his own resources of change, in which both his past and future appear, both memories and imagination, helps to find answers to the problem in personal experience.


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