



notarial relations, subjects of notarial legal relations, notarial activity, notary, notary, classification, facts, notarial proceedings, notarial process, notarial actions.


The article is devoted to the issue of classification of notarial proceedings, their essence is revealed and new criteria for their classification are proposed, in particular, according to the subject composition of notarial proceedings. Considerable attention is focused on the issue of notarial proceedings as a complex legal institution, general and specific conditions for notarial actions. The analysis of the latest research trends in the field of legal science indicates an increase in the level of interest in extrajudicial forms of protection of violated civil rights. The notarial form is no exception as one of the varieties of jurisdictional forms of protection of civil rights. However, given the number of available works, we can confidently state that in order to form a scientific and legislative basis and increase the efficiency of the functioning of the specified mechanism, the direction of theoretical development of the problems of civil rights protection by a notary today needs further expansion. The active development of economic relations, systemic steps in the direction of the European integration development of Ukraine significantly change the importance of the notary institution in ensuring the protection and realization of the rights and freedoms of citizens. It is necessary to take into account that for the sake of the formation of scientific and legislative basis, and together with this, increasing the efficiency of the functioning of the specified mechanism, the direction of theoretical developments of the problems of civil rights protection as a notary today needs further expansion. Notary acts not only as a body of preventive justice, but also as a human rights institution, because it takes an active part in civil turnover. With the help of the notary institution, the state takes preventive measures that ensure legal security in society, which, in turn, is one of the main tasks of the state and an indicator of its capacity. All this argues for the undoubted relevance of conducting theoretical and practical studies of the legal foundations of the organization of the notarial process and the development of practical recommendations regarding the improvement mechanism.


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