


public administration, state, informational-analytical activity, managerial decisions, tools.


The article explores the field of information-analytical activity in the system of modern public administration. The research demonstrates the importance and multifaceted role of information and analysis in the processes of forming and making effective managerial decisions. Approaches to understanding the essence of information-analytical activity and the tools involved are examined, emphasizing its crucial role in contemporary managerial context. The content of information-analytical activity is revealed as a systemic approach, encompassing the collection, processing, analysis, and interpretation of information to obtain reliable data for the subsequent practical actions of government authorities. The structure of information-analytical activity and its role in ensuring the efficiency of public administration are analyzed. The study highlights the necessity of using modern technologies and innovative data analysis tools to enhance the quality and speed of decision-making in public administration. The main tasks of the information-analytical support system are outlined, including the selection of reliable information sources, ensuring information interaction within government bodies, and developing ways to respond to problematic situations. This underscores the need for educational programs to overcome challenges and emphasizes the potential of new technologies in enhancing the efficiency of information-analytical activity. Recommendations are proposed for optimizing information-analytical activity through the modernization of its regulatory framework, improving the training of analyst professionals, and actively implementing innovative data analysis technologies. It is emphasized that information-analytical activity is a vital tool in modern public management systems, crucial for optimizing managerial processes and ensuring the timely and quality response of public authorities to societal challenges. 


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