


phenomenological approach, corruption, corruption offense, offense related to corruption, legal responsibility, causes of offenses, prevention of offenses


The presented work is devoted to consideration of the concepts of "corruption offense" and "corruption-related offense" in the context of modern phenomenological ideas in foreign and domestic (Ukrainian) legal science. The article highlights the social and legal essence of these concepts, the study touches on the reasons and conditions for the existence of this phenomenon in the Ukrainian state and society. The main idea of the article is to establish the simultaneous existence of two related phenomena of corruption offenses and offenses related to corruption, as well as to clarify the analogy and differences between these phenomena. The basis of the study is the use of a special method of phenomenological reduction, using which an attempt was made to consider offenses related to corruption as a legal phenomenon and to investigate its problems on the basis of ontological and epistemological properties. It is emphasized that in some cases the boundary between the offense related to corruption and the corruption offense is very conditional, which indicates the organic connection of these types of violations of the anticorruption legislation. The separation of the phenomenon of an offense related to corruption from the phenomenon of corruption offenses is due to one of the essential and at the same time "paradoxical" features of this type of torts – they do not contain signs of corruption. However, the formality of such an approach can be traced in the fact that, just as in the case of corruption offenses, the generic object of offenses that do not contain signs of corruption itself are public relations in the field of preventing violations of anti-corruption requirements, prohibitions and restrictions by legislation. The existence of phenomenal legal differences between offenses related to corruption and corruption offenses against the background of the presence of common features, properties and determinants of these two phenomena gives reason to talk about the possibility of the simultaneous existence of these two related phenomena.


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