



leadership tools, motivation, communication, strategic decisions.


The article examines the use of leadership tools in wartime and peacetime. It is proven that leadership in public administration is a necessary condition for building a democratic state and civil society. The relevance and necessity of the development of scientific and practical issues of leadership is proven. It is argued that leadership approaches and tools vary depending on the time and context of their application. Certain types of leaders, characteristic tools used to achieve goals depending on the leader's style, personal characteristics, values and context are given. Features, conditions of application, features of several leadership tools are analyzed in detail: motivational, transformational, transactional and collective. It is argued that their manifestations may vary depending on the specific context, the type of community and the tasks they face. In addition, it shows how each of these tools transforms during wartime and peacetime. It is shown that in wartime, the main component of leadership is the ability for strategic planning and operational efficiency, the ability to make quick and decisive decisions under high pressure. Emphasis is placed on the use of tools aimed at ensuring discipline and execution of strategic tasks, managing crisis situations. It is explained that in a period of peace, leadership acquires the characteristics of empathy, communication, cooperation and team development. The leader uses tools aimed at developing and supporting the personality of his subordinates. Emphasis is placed on effective communication with the team, employees and stakeholders to promote mutual understanding and collaborative work. It was concluded that successful leadership requires not only an understanding of one's own strengths and skills, but also flexibility in the use of tools, and the ability to adapt to changes in the context and the choice of the right tools allows leaders to lead effectively both in wartime and in peacetime, ensuring the success of their groups.


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