



preventive measure, detention, investigating judge, court, suspect, accused, martial law, special legal regime, mobilization.


The article systematically analyzes the changes made to the criminal procedural legislation since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the aggressor state on the territory of Ukraine. The main focus of the study is on a comprehensive analysis of Chapter IX of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine "Special regime of pre-trial investigation, trial under martial law". In the above-mentioned section, the legislator substantiates the grounds for choosing a preventive measure in the form of detention and its change or cancellation. During the substantiation of the scientific position, an analysis of the researches of domestic scientists and practitioners in the field of criminal procedure was used, who carried out the systematization of scientific provisions regarding the researched topic in the doctrine of legal sciences. The author substantiates the law enforcement norms of preventive measures, since it is important for specialists in the field of law to be guided by deep theoretical knowledge in their practical activities. The newly introduced changes to the current criminal procedural legislation have been fully and comprehensively investigated, and the possibilities and features of applying such changes in practice have been established.Based on the analyzed scientific research and judicial practice, it was concluded that some powers of the investigating judge, such as choosing a preventive measure in the form of detention, are delegated to the head of the prosecutor's office, who is also endowed with such powers. During the analysis of judicial practice, it was established that there is a problem with the violation of the procedure for the suspect, the accused and his lawyer to request the change or cancellation of such preventive measure to the investigating judge, the court. In addition, the article highlights other features of detention under martial law, namely: the possibility of automatic extension of the term of detention under martial law, the selection of an exclusively preventive measure against persons who are suspected or accused of committing certain crimes, the possibility of carrying out choosing such a precautionary measure in video conference modes.


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