


cryptocurrencies, virtual currencies, virtual assets, cryptoassets, legal regulation, types, classification, investment tokens, utility tokens, non-fungible tokens, digital currencies of central banks, stablecoins.


The article examines the institutional and scientific approaches to defining and classifying virtual assets. It is observed that at the nascent stage of the emergence and distribution of crypto-products, including crypto-tokens that exhibited a digital expression of value and negotiability, they were designated as "cryptocurrencies" in the documents of international and state institutions of various countries and scientific publications. The lack of terminological uniformity in this area, the parallel use of the concepts of "cryptocurrencies," "virtual currencies," "cryptoassets," etc., has led to the fact that certain types of crypto-products, cryptotokens of which had a digital expression of value and turnover, have been distinguished as types of cryptocurrencies, virtual currencies, etc. It is worth noting that the introduction of the concept of "virtual assets" as a generalizing concept for various types of crypto-products, including cryptotokens, which have a digital expression of value and negotiability, has not yet allowed for a unified approach to the definition of types of such assets. It is suggested that the classification of virtual assets could help determine how types of virtual assets can be used in different economic and social contexts. The classification of virtual assets proposed by the author is based on the following features: the nature of their issuance (whether centralized or decentralized) and the type of crypto-tokens (investment tokens, service tokens, NFTs, Stablecoins, central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), cryptocurrencies, etc.). The article observed that the legal regulation of relations in the sphere of turnover of virtual assets with a centralized nature should be aimed at establishing requirements for issuers and entities providing services in the sphere of their turnover. Conversely, the legal regulation of relations in the sphere of turnover of virtual assets with a decentralized nature can be aimed only at entities providing services in this sphere and intending to carry out their activities legally, since in other cases it will have a declarative nature.


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