


role, trade unions, employee, employer, subject, labor law, labor relations.


The article, based on the analysis of the scientific views of scientists and the norms of the current legislation, emphasizes the special importance of trade unions among other subjects of labor law. It was determined that all trade unions have equal rights and are independent in their activities from authorities, local self-government, employers, their associations, political parties and other public associations. The main purpose of trade unions is to represent and protect the labor rights and interests of their members. It has been proven that today trade unions are an important social institution of modern civil society, which are created by employees in order to protect, protect and realize their labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests. In the process of protection, protection and implementation of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests, trade unions actively influence the socio-economic policy of the state. The state, in turn, does not create a trade union organization, but is only obliged to recognize them under the condition of creation. In their activities, trade union organizations are independent of state authorities and local self-government bodies, employers, other public organizations, political parties, they are not accountable to them and not subject to their control. The social purpose of trade union representation is to represent the interests of employees, to take care of their fullest satisfaction, and, in necessary cases, to protect their rights and legitimate interests. It is emphasized that trade unions play an important role in the formation of public society in our country. It has been established that it is trade unions that allow protecting a very large number of citizens – persons who daily perform a labor function for the benefit of themselves, the enterprise and Ukraine as a whole, because the economic component is one of the most important in the process of conducting quality social policy.


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