foreign experience, offense, construction, European UnionAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the experience of preventing offenses in the field of construction in the countries of the European Union. It is determined that the system analysis of theoretical developments indicates that the importance of studying the experience of foreign countries is due not only to the similarity of the socioeconomic, geographical, religious, demographic and cultural situation, but also to the determination of the same socio-economic factors and similar shortcomings in the organization and prevention. It is established that the prevention of offenses in the field of construction in the specified countries, as well as in Ukraine, is carried out within the framework of different branches of law. However, in the administrative and legal plane, it is ensured by applying punitive and (or) alternative, non-punishable measures of influence to the subject of the commission. A feature of punitive measures in most European countries is the large amounts of fines compared to Ukraine for violation of norms, standards and rules of construction legislation. Based on the studied foreign experience, it became obvious that further reduction of the indicators of committed offenses in the construction sphere is impossible without carrying out a set of measures, the basis of which should be an analysis of the factors that determine the commission of such offenses. The experience of a number of foreign countries (Spain, Germany) determined the need to pay attention to a significant renewal and training of domestic human resources in the context of reforming the above-mentioned entities preventing offenses in the construction sphere. In this regard, it was established that the experience of inspectors and auditors in such an area of prevention generally does not exceed ten years, which testified to the inexperience of workers and the need for constant enhanced control over their activities with the provision of practical assistance, explanations.
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