labor relations, legal fact, employees of the prosecutor's office, emergence of labor relations, appointment to a position, labor contract, oathAbstract
Labor relations of employees of the Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine is one of the key categories of labor law. That is why it is important to find out the moment of the emergence of employment relations of prosecutor's office employees, on what grounds they arise. The purpose of the article is to highlight the manifestation of unity and differentiation of labor law regulation at the stage of the emergence of labor relations of employees of the Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine. The article reveals the work of scientists regarding the understanding of the concept of labor relations, and also offers the author's definition of the concept of labor relations of employees of the Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine. In the future, the theses of scientists regarding the manifestations of differentiation in the issue of the emergence of labor relations of employees of the prosecutor's office will be considered. Through the analysis of the current normative and legal regulation, the peculiarities of the legal grounds for the emergence of labor relations with the employees of the Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine were revealed. It is concluded that a complex legal fact (actual structure) is necessary for their occurrence, which includes the act of appointment to the position and the taking of the corresponding oath. Manifestations of both unity and differentiation of legal regulation in the emergence of labor relations of employees of the prosecutor's office are singled out. It is emphasized that the greatest differentiation of legal regulation is in the emergence of labor relations with prosecutors and civil servants of prosecutor's offices. It was concluded that the differentiation in the legal regulation of the mentioned issues is due primarily to the integration of the administrative-legal element in the defined institution of labor legislation and in view of the need to ensure the protection and protection of the public-law interest. And the unity of the legal regulation of the mentioned issue is manifested in the fact that the labor relations of the employees of the prosecutor's office can arise exclusively on the basis of a corresponding legal fact clearly defined by law (in this case - the actual composition) and when the labor relations of the employees of the prosecutor's office arise, a list of acts and documents is drawn up, based on the analysis of the content and the essences of which can be determined to have the content of an employment contract.
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