



gender policy, gender imbalance, gender equality, rights of men and women, gender equality index, gender gap, gender parity, gender disparities, segregation, discrimination, gender democracy, democratization of society.


The article shows why gender policy in Ukraine, especially in the context of the chosen course for building European democratic institutions, should now appear in a completely new, relevant vision. To date, gender approaches are necessarily taken into account and applied in the development of legal acts in almost all countries of the world. It has been established that at the level of the Law in Ukraine, issues of preventing gender discrimination, ensuring equal participation of women and men in making socially important decisions (primarily through election to representative bodies and appointing women to leadership positions), and ensuring equal opportunities for women and men, taking into account the correlation of professional and family responsibilities, the impossibility of manifestations of genderbased violence, etc. The statistical data of the EU countries are presented, on the basis of which it can be argued that those countries in which there are high rates of representation of women in political institutions not only have a higher level of civil rights and freedoms, but are also more economically developed, because, thus, they create conditions for political and economic diversity, tolerance and trust. Examples of the application of gender policy in Kropyvnytskyi are considered. Gender democracy in action is a principle that ensures women, on equal terms with men, the right to vote in all elections and public referendums, and to be elected to all elected bodies; participate in the formation and implementation of government policies; hold public office, as well as perform public functions at all levels of government; participate in the activities of non-governmental organizations and associations that resolve issues of public and political life of the country. It has been established that the presence of any gender disproportions that take place in certain areas means only one thing - this is actual gender discrimination that does not meet the requirements for the development of modern democracy in the world and Ukraine. It is determined that the concept of segregation in real life, in itself, implies the actual separation of a certain group of people from the main part of the population. The example shows the modern attitude of employers to the problems of gender policy. If we consider segregation specifically from the standpoint of gender equality, then we can say that there is not only vertical, but also horizontal segregation in areas of activity, which, for example, turns education, statistics, healthcare, social protection and a number of other industries into purely women's industries in Ukraine. The world we live in is becoming especially demanding on leadership qualities. It is becoming more and more obvious that stakeholders do not care who will be the leader: he, she, or maybe a person with a non-traditional orientation (it). Now everyone is focused only on the result. Statistical data are given that indicate that the need for women who make their own decisions is constantly growing in society. It has been determined that the possible gender imbalance in Ukrainian society is largely due to a number of stereotypes that hinder the full-fledged self-realization of both sexes. The author came to the conclusion that the actions that the state of Ukraine is doing today, having embarked on the path of democratization of our society, as well as to further increase the civil rights of the population, will certainly help us overcome, unfortunately, the gender imbalance that still exists in the country.


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